The seeds contained in the packaging are living and sensitive organisms and require special care during transportation, handling and storage to maintain guaranteed quality. The germination percentage contained on the packaging indicates the number of viable plants under normal and ideal conditions. Observe and follow the instructions below:

  1. Soil preparation:

It begins by collecting soil samples for analysis. With the results, a specialized technician can make recommendations for liming and fertilization, which will also consider the type of grass chosen for planting;

Limestone must be applied to the soil between 60 and 90 days before sowing so that it has time to react and its incorporation must be at the same depth at which the soil analysis was carried out. For quantities above 3 tons/ha, it is recommended to apply in two stages, the first half before plowing and the other half after the first harrowing;

The first soil movement can be done with a plow or harrow, incorporating all existing plant material on the surface. Then, using a leveling harrow, the soil is loosened, the surface is leveled and any invaders are eliminated. Almost always, two passes of the leveling harrow are enough;

Broadcast application of fertilizers must be done before the first leveling harrow, or between the first and second, for good fertilizer incorporation.

2. Special care when preparing the soil:

Erosion control actions, such as the construction of terraces and contour lines, must be carried out before the heavy harrowing process;

Excessive crushing, resulting from an excessive number of harrows, must be avoided at all costs;

Note: it is very important to wait for the plant material incorporated into the soil by plowing to rot before planting; otherwise, the seeds will die because of the fermentation effects of this material.

3.The Planting:

The best planting time is when the rains start to occur more frequently (October to February in Central Brazil);

Whichever method is chosen, planting must enable uniform distribution of seeds throughout the area to be formed. In the case of planting in rows or holes, the spacing between them should be as small as possible;

A frequent cause of failure is planting insufficient quantities of seeds. Good adjustment of planting equipment is one way to ensure that the right amount of seeds are planted. This quantity, called seeding rate, varies according to the cultivar, time of year, sowing system and the Cultural Value acquired.

In the table below, suggestions for MINIMUM seeding rates for some forage grasses, when planted between October and February (Central Brazil), in areas with prepared soil.


      MINIMUM fee (Kg/ha de SPV)

        Piatã Marandú, MG-4, Xaraés, Decumbens Humidícola, Llanero Mombaça, Tanzânia, Aruana, Massai

          4,00 2,80 2,50 1,80

            NOTE: Kg/ha SPV = Pure Viable Seeds, equivalent to a Cultural Value of 100%, used here only as a reference.

            To adjust the seeding rate for commercial lots of seeds that do not have 100% VC, the following calculation is made:

            Seeding rate = kg/ha SPV x 100% VC acquired

            The resulting value will correspond to the minimum number of kilograms of the available seed lot, to be planted per hectare.

            Both the purchase of seeds and the calculation of the appropriate sowing rate must be based on the Cultural Value (%VC) of the seed to be planted. This value results from laboratory analysis and represents the percentage of pure viable seeds contained in the batch of seeds. The Values ​​shown in Table 1 allow adjusting the seeding rate for batches with different % VC;

            The seeds must be covered by the soil after distributing them in the area. In-line seeders and “matracas” do this automatically. Excessive seed burial is also a frequent cause of failure in pasture formation. Small seeds such as those of the cultivars Tanzania, Mombaça, Aruana, Massai and Estilosantes Campo Grande should be buried, at most, 2 cm deep, while those of Marandú (braquiarão), Decumbens (braquirinha), Piatã, MG-4 and Xaraés (MG-5) no more than 4 cm, while the cultivars Humidícola (quicuio) and Llanero (dictyoneura) should be between 2 and 4 cm.

            In broadcast sowing, the seeds are deposited on the surface of the soil and need to be buried immediately. This can be done: a) with a compactor roller, made of iron, preferably grooved or with one and/or more sets of smooth tires, which can be built on the farm itself, for soils with a medium to sandy texture; b) with a lightweight, fully closed leveling harrow, that is, adjusted so that the discs are parallel to the direction of advance of the equipment, so that they do not bury the seeds too much, for soils with a medium to clayey texture.

              4. Special care when planting:

              As soon as the seeds arrive at the property, samples must be taken from all packages that are from the same batch, totaling a sample of approximately 0.5 (half) kilo and sent to the Forage Seed Analysis Laboratory to confirm the Culture Value acquired which is expressed in the Invoice and on the label attached to the product packaging, proving its quality.

              The correct adjustment of the sowing equipment will provide the desired distribution of the product, guaranteeing uniform formation and no extra seed costs. This will not result in an increase in the cost of forming or reforming the pasture, just time and technical knowledge.

              Fertilizers based on Nitrogen and Potassium cannot be mixed with seeds because they cause their death. On the other hand, phosphorus-based products such as simple granulated superphosphate can be mixed, as long as planting occurs on the same day that the mixture was prepared;

              Incorporation, immediately after distributing the seeds, favors their contact with the soil, positioning them at the appropriate depth and enabling rapid and homogeneous emergence of seedlings. If there is rain shortly after distributing the seeds, the depth of the seeds must be assessed to carry out incorporation;

              In aerial plantings or those made with “matracas”, seeds with a high VC% must be used;

              Seed stratification (separation) will be greater the lower the VC of the product;

              When working with Encrusted or Premium Encrusted Seeds in broadcast sowing machines, the homogenizer must be removed, as it will end up damaging the seeds.

              5. Training management:

              The first grazing, when done correctly, guarantees the success of a well-started formation. It must be done as soon as the plants are grown and covering the entire planted area. In this case, it is better to use light, young animals, to only thin the plants, at a high stocking rate for a short period of time. At this stage, if heavy animals are used, the plants may be uprooted during grazing;

              If the first grazing is done much later, many plants will die because of competition between them. This increases empty spaces in the pasture, reduces grass production and facilitates the growth of weeds. In addition to drastically losing the quality of the forage when the grass emits its seeds;

              From the first grazing, as the plants re-establish themselves, the pasture can be used normally.



              Source: STEP BY STEP FOR THE GOOD FORMATION OF A PASTURE. EMBRAPA – Beef Cattle 1998